
The spiritual journey of each person is unique, with infinite choices. There is no formula method for spiritual fulfillment, and yet there are approaches which have proven over the ages to be successful for many.

The retreat, by which the seeker temporarily sets aside the pressures of the world to seek communion with the Almighty, is one of the most effective such practices.

Spiritual retreats come in all varieties. Some are long, some are short. They can be held just about anywhere; for example, I have attended retreats in churches, retreat centers, a conference room, a monastery…even a prison. Some have very few participants, some have many. Some are highly structured, others loosely organized. No matter what the format, retreats can be highly rewarding because they allow participants to focus on the goal of becoming more spiritual.

It is a fact of life, however, that few of us can afford the time or money to attend formal retreats as often as we would like. As fulfilling as they are, the reality for most of us is that these wonderful times of discovery must be infrequent interludes in a demanding barrage of worldly challenges.

But it does not have to be so! And that is precisely what this website is all about. You can frequently take a retreat—just you and your God—at virtually no cost. I’ve done it many times, and each time is better than the last. Let me suggest that you start by visiting the “Overview” button above, then perhaps “The Basics” and so on to get a sense of what a personal retreat is all about. Later, you can visit some of the other many features listed on this page to help you prepare for your first personal retreat or otherwise grow in your faith. I truly hope you will try taking just one retreat all by yourself—and God, of course! Once you do, it won’t be your last!